Thursday, February 23, 2012

3 if by Land...

Moments ago we sent off the Jim, Jim & James trio on their way to the PAP airport then onward to homes in Texas and Alberta.  We'd been joking that we'd flash the flashlight from the balcony, three flashes to say have a nice trip, but we had to get up to see them off so I just flashed their dark room before they threw on the light and jumped up ready to roll... It was kind of bittersweet for Cathy and I as Jim (A, Attrell) and James were relatives and friends, and Jim (B, Bates) has become a friend during his extended stay.  Each has made valuable contributions, with Jim B doing yeoman's work designing and constructing some fantastic windows and doors for the Technical School and Clinic, while being moved mightily by the simple and powerful praise and worship of the people here, Jim A completing numerous staff and community interviews in the 120+ GB of taping that he completed, and now gets to edit and James providing invaluable assistance getting the Children's Village started as well as catching a vision.  They all were a great blessing and will be missed.  We want to see them back!

Meanwhile, we started two different pours yesterday, the primary one being the start of the second floor beams at the Technical School which left "papa Noel" concrete-covered and loving every bit of it, and a materials/playground pad at the Children's Village to gather and protect supplies there during upcoming construction on that site.  In addition, stripping of the first duplex is nearly finished, levelling well underway and form tying proceeding for the first Children's Village duplex.  Which reminds me, since we made some changes I've got to get a new rebar order in, pronto!  At the clinic we now have three doors through the outer wall for the public, two into separate washrooms, the interior parging is done, the reception sunshade complete and work on the fence started.  Next week will be focused on painting and wrapping up the rest of the projects there prior to month-end, as well as, of course, ongoing work at the Children's Village and Technical School...

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