Thursday, February 16, 2012

Signs of Change

A funny thing happened on the way in to pick up our new arrivals on Wednesday, I actually noticed significant activity on the way into, and in PAP demonstrating development activity and upgrades to their systems... three different times.  Firstly was along the highway between Grand Goave and the city.  Many sections of the road which were next to impassable gravel strips are now recently paved, smooth and flat with centre and side lines painted rivalling anything back home.  They only go few a few kilometres, but its a start, and many other patches dug out and awaiting pavement attest to the ongoing work.  Its clearly noticeable with improvements every week, which is great to see.

The second interesting thing was the hundreds of "Action Civique" workers in PAP with their bright yellow shirts and red flags at most intersections with the job of stopping traffic to allow young children to stop safely.  Since there are no crosswalks and pedestrians definitely don't have the right of way here, it was refreshing to see everyone stop dutifully when the flags came out, and wait.  

Thirdly was at the airport, where yesterday we were halted at the parking lot far from just outside the Arrivals doors where we could get to last week, and especially the inside Customs and Baggage areas we could get to a month ago.  Every week it seems the officials are getting more and more organized along the lines of "western" airports and although it makes it less convenient in meeting arriving passengers, its pretty hard from them to get lost and this seems an improvement inn their organization and systems.  In all three cases little signs that all is not the same and little by little things are improving.

Well James & Jim and Derrick & Wayne all arrived safely yesterday, though Wayne's bags didn't arrive so we're back to PAP to get them tomorrow, plus some stops at the MCS mega-store and hopefully to Petitionville to get our Natcom phones registered.  We keep getting text messages threatening to cancel the phones because they're not registered, but the indicated phone # isn't answered, and no local offices are set up to do the registrations so its off to the main office in PAP.  I guess some things STILL have a long ways to go...  The guys are busy getting adjusted and finding lots of work to keep them busy.  Focusing in on the key thing they need to get done in their time here, though still is a challenge and occasional frustration.  Its been great going about much of the day with our cousin Jim and friend James.  The electrical situation here is crazy but I've been learning lots about high voltage power cables, low voltage lines and all the obvious power theft just about everywhere, and Jim really has a great knack for videography and is starting to get some great material for later use.  I'll better appreciate it the next family reunion back in Calgary!

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