Wednesday, February 1, 2012

no pics, but otherwise in a groove..

Well this is a first, no pics today!  Not that things aren't happening, but we've been busy with new projects, new team and new things to do.  Very busy but things are progressing well.  With the arrival of a new team the world changes, so to speak and the learning curve starts anew as we try to figure them out, and vice versa which takes a couple of days.  Yesterday was a breakthrough day for us in understanding the new faces, and today the team as a whole really broke through the fog of culture shock and started to make some real connections with kids and folks here.  Attitudes are like a roller coaster - you may have noticed reading this blog - and the team is on a huge high tonight.

The projects are progressing well, though as per usual here in Haiti if things aren't changing from precise plans all the time, you're not paying attention.  You've got to be flexible.  As a for instance on Monday we stopped at PAP's EKO Depot, a Haitian equivalent of Home Depot (a quite refreshing stop from the mom & pop roadside hardware shops here) and picked up a number of items slated for purchase.  In spite of double-checking numbers, getting precise amounts of cash and waiting for the items to be assembled at the store, when we got back to base we realized everything was the wrong size or already purchased (by others) and had to go back.  Systems need a little fine-tuning... Fortunately they were able to be returned (not typical) and we got most of the parts needed to replace the battery inverter backup power system on the residence.  Unfortunately the new system requires double the batteries anticipated pre-purchase so now we're short 24x $150 batteries. Well, there's no lack of things to pray for, ever, and certainly not here.

In spite of these and other issues, we are well, things seem to be going better - though likely that is us getting more comfortable with what we're doing - and hey, we had pancakes for breakfast with Luciana's famous maple, clove &cinnamon syrup so its hard to beat that!  And the final word, Cathy & my Creole is also improving by leaps and bounds so we're trying to use it whenever we can which is keeping the mood light and conversations interesting, but what is life if not interesting and an adventure, I ask...?

M'ale, na we pita! (Goodbye, I will see you later)

PS: OK, OK I couldn't do it without a few pics.... (:

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