Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Fortnight Done

We’ve just completed our second full week here.  Its been challenging and we’re continuing to figure out how to operate, but especially to interact with Marc & Lisa, the staff and the two teams.  As a relatively laid-back type of personality my tendency is to operate with a fairly minimal level of  (what I consider necessary) communication and let people do their jobs.  For some this works great, but for many it doesn’t, and it is clear more thorough, regular and complete communications are essential between all of the above.  I’ll try to do better (Cathy doesn’t suffer from the same issues...).  
The past couple of days have been mostly rest, church and “other” type activities like the market, the beach and the children’s church up the “mountain” across town.  The rest has been good but each new activity has surfaced additional issues as this is the first time through with groups.  We’re learning.  I think about the time we get really good at this we’ll be heading home, but hopefully sooner.  
The market apparently was very interesting to the teams, though the response of those in the market to big groups was mixed which made it difficult for some.  Still trying to figure out if a quick walk-through with no shopping might not have been better, with extended shopping just for those interested.  There isn’t much room between vendors and they are trying to make a living...  
The beach was better and almost everyone enjoyed it and the 24 lobsters grilled and distributed after a few hours of lounging in the warm Caribbean waters.  Again good snorkeling and some more good pics, which I really liked.  Cathy doesn’t really like the sun so stayed back and got a few things done, including her first blog entry before a much-needed rest.  

This afternoon we gathered up a dozen or so interested in going to the Tapion Children’s Church, which has about 200 children as members and is pastored and run by older teens and young adults.  It is in a beautiful location and was a lot of fun to see a different area and vibrant ministry.  

Tomorrow starts another week of work, with a few projects here and one team starting a baseball camp for a couple of grades of the school on-site.  It should be fun and I think they are looking forward to spending more time with the Haitians and making long-lasting connections.  For Cathy & I its more of the same, improving/developing effective communication processes and trying to get to some reports and staff badges done.  
We thank you for the occasional responses from you guys, it lets us know someone is listening...

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